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A Different Christmas

A Different Christmas

A year ago we never thought we would have a different Christmas, slightly different than the previous ones we had. It is usually a season we look forward to the whole year. During the school holidays, activities planned earlier are put into motion. 

Christmas is a time for sharing, for gifts, which means a time for crafts. Somehow, handmade gifts are always better than store bought ones. They show one’s sincerity and love poured into these mementos. From the preschoolers Christmas cards,  to the  wreaths for doors, windows, little trinkets like tree ornaments and the more personalised items for loved ones. 

Centennial Parklands from the 14th to 23rd December offer Wild Play Discovery – two hours of Christmas fun that includes making creative presents, crafty art and games. This is a great chance to acquaint children to different ways to make art for their families and friends. It also teaches the beauty and charm of outdoors. A quick walk down Lachlan Swamp and its residents can be the start of children appreciating the environment and using what is available for their crafts.

A Different Christmas 1

Craft making not only is fun but also has physical and mental benefits. Children learn to express themselves better through art. For smaller children, art hones their coordination and fine motor skills. Looking at a material and making it into an artwork sharpens critical thinking, finding ways to make their creation. This gives them less time to be idle, less stress. Being busy and productive gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment. This accomplishment gives them confidence. Some craft making are collaborative, helping them build their social skills. This gives them people to talk to about stuff that interests them.

It is a brown Christmas for Australia, being summer. Still it can be fun and memorable. There are more fun options to go to with the sun shining brightly. But one must remember to stay safe especially on this quite a different Christmas.